My Little Pony Collectible Card Game Wiki

A list of all Friend cards. First 500 pages:

Card Type Power Color Cost Requirements Release Info
Apple Cobbler, Headstrong Friend 1 Orange 1 1 Orange
Big Mac, Immense Apple Friend 4 Orange 5 2 Orange
  • Premiere #199 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Blue Moon, Ol' Blue Eyes Friend 2 Purple 2 None
Cherry Jubilee, Queen of the Hill Friend 1 Orange 1 None
Comet Tail, Hale Bopper Friend 1 Purple 1 None
Dr. Hooves, Unblinking Friend 4 Blue 5 3 Blue
  • Premiere #197 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Drill Bit, Destruction Worker Friend 3 Orange 4 2 Orange
Forest Owl, Novice Assistant Friend 0 Yellow 1 None
Gala Appleby, Refined Farmer Friend 1 Orange 1 1 Orange
Granny Smith, Apple Elder Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Hoity Toity, Vogue Authority Friend 2 White 3 2 White
Jetstream, All Heart Friend 2 Blue 3 1 Blue
Lady Justice, Judge & Jury Friend 3 Purple 4 None
Mayor Mare, Elected Official Friend 1 Purple 2 2 Purple
Mint Jewelup, A Cut Above Friend 1 Purple 2 2 Purple
Pegasus Royal Guard, Elite Sentry Friend 1 Blue 1 1 Blue
Pinkie Pie, Ice Cutter Friend 3 Pink 4 1 Pink
Professor Neigh, Algebraic! Friend 1 Purple 1 1 Purple
Rainbow Dash, To the Rescue Friend 3 Blue 4 2 Blue
Rarity, Nest Weaver Friend 2 White 3 3 White
Red Gala, Favorite Cousin Friend 2 Orange 2 None
Rising Star, In the Spotlight Friend 1 White 1 1 White
Royal Riff, Songster Friend 1 White 1 3 White
Sunny Rays, One Bright Mare Friend 2 Purple 2 2 Purple
Zecora, Everfree Guru Friend 1 Purple 3 3 Purple
  • Premiere #204 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Fluttershy, Animal Team Friend 2 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Auntie Applesauce, Gum Flapper Friend 1 Orange 2 None
Fluttershy, Guidance Counselor Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Rainbowshine, Cloud Wrangler Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Gyro, Poindexter Friend 1 Purple 3 3 Purple
Rainbow Dash, Weather Leader Friend 2 Blue 3 2 Blue
Finish Line, Jammer Friend 2 Blue 3 2 Blue
Applejack, Plant Leader Friend 2 Orange 3 2 Orange
Lilac Links, Superstitious Friend 1 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
Rainbow Dash, Winged Wonder Friend 2 Blue 3 2 Blue
Fluttershy, Monster Tamer Friend 2 Yellow 4 4 Yellow
  • Premiere #211 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Cerulean Skies, Skyward Soarer Friend 1 Blue 1 1 Blue
Wild Fire, Speed Racer Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Emerald Green, Cider Aficionado Friend 2 Blue 2 None
Scootaloo, Creature Catcher Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Spike, Baby Dragon Friend 0 Blue 2 1 Blue
Solar Wind, Enterprising Astronomer Friend 1 Blue 1 1 Blue
Sweetie Sunrise, Early Riser Friend 1 Blue 1 None
Applejack, Barn Raiser Friend 2 Orange 3 2 Orange
Full Steam, Smoke Stacked Friend 4 Orange 4 None
Silver Spanner, Nuts for Bolts Friend 2 Orange 3 1 Orange
Sunny Smiles, Iconic Friend Friend 3 Orange 3 2 Orange
Night Watch, Vigilant Patrol Friend 1 Orange 2 2 Orange
Twilight Sparkle, Research Student Friend 1 Purple 2 2 Purple
Apple Brown Betty, Pastry Chef Friend 3 Pink 3 None
Dance Fever, Disco King Friend 1 Pink 1 2 Pink
Flitter, Ribbon Wielder Friend 1 Pink 1 None
Ol' Salt, Salt Blocked Friend 1 Pink 2 None
Snips & Snails, Dynamic Duo Friend 3 Pink 4 3 Pink
Surprise, Party Pegasus Friend 1 Pink 3 3 Pink
Apple Stars, Fruit Prodigy Friend 3 Purple 4 2 Purple
Bright Bulb, Seasoned Strategist Friend 2 Purple 3 None
Lemony Gem, Sour Grapes Friend 1 Purple 2 1 Purple
Rare Find, A Real Gem Friend 1 Purple 1 2 Purple
Spring Forward, Companionable Filly Friend 2 Purple 3 3 Purple
Twilight Sparkle, All-Team Organizer Friend 2 Purple 3 2 Purple
Lotus Blossom, Sauna Expert Friend 2 White 4 3 White
Vidala Swoon, Mane Manager Friend 3 White 4 3 White
Pearly Stitch, Crotchety Crocheter Friend 1 White 1 1 White
Noteworthy, Humdinger Friend 1 White 1 None
Sugar Twist, Twister Sister Friend 2 White 2 None
High Spirits, Life Enthusiast Friend 1 Pink 1 None
Amethyst Star, Animal Leader Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Blue Jay, Warbler Friend 2 Yellow 2 None
Falcon, Fast & Furious Friend 1 Yellow 1 1 Yellow
House Mouse, Little Pipsqueak Friend 1 Yellow 1 None
Mr. Beaverton Beaverteeth, Dam Builder Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Opalescence, Curtain Shredder Friend 1 Yellow 2 None
Sea Swirl, Porpoiseful Friend 2 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Winona, On the Scent Friend 1 Yellow 1 None
Cloudchaser, Flexible Flier Friend 1 Blue 2 None
Coco Crusoe, Thick Skinned Friend 2 Orange 3 None
Big Top, Silly Pony Friend 3 Pink 4 2 Pink
Charged Up, Energizer Pony Friend 2 Pink 3 None
Lucky Streak, One in a Million Friend 1 Pink 1 1 Pink
Goldengrape, Popular Punster Friend 1 Pink 2 None
Pinkie Pie, Pinkie "Responsibility" Pie Friend 2 Pink 4 2 Pink
Pinprick, Pop Star Friend 1 Pink 2 4 Pink
Action Shot, Shutterbug Friend 3 White 4 None
Big Shot, Wildlife Photographer Friend 2 White 2 1 White
Fiddly Faddle, Country Twang Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Eff Stop, Muckraker Friend 1 White 2 2 White
Savoir Fare, Snooty Server Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Hummingway, Fine Feathered Friend Friend 1 Yellow 1 4 Yellow
Mane Cureall, Veteran Vet Friend 1 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Mr. Breezy, Fan Fan Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Ship Shape, Heavy Lifter Friend 2 Orange 3 2 Orange
  • Premiere #200 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Lyra Heartstrings, Bonafide Friend 4 Pink 5 3 Pink
  • Premiere #201 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Screwy, Barking Mad Friend 1 Pink 2 2 Pink
  • Premiere #202 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Twilight Sparkle, Ursa Vanquisher Friend 4 Purple 3 3 Purple
Octavia, Virtuoso Friend 4 White 5 2 White
  • Premiere #205 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Rarity, Truly Outrageous Friend 2 White 3 3 White
Philomena, Bird of a Feather Friend 1 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
  • Premiere #207 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Princess Celestia, Ray of Sunshine Friend 3 Yellow 5 3 Yellow
  • Premiere #208 (Ultra Rare)
    Found in packs
Berry Dreams, Pom-Pom Pony Friend 1 Pink 2 None
Applejack, Farm Foremare Friend 3 Orange 3 1 Orange
Pinkie Pie, Ear to Ear Friend 2 Pink 3 2 Pink
  • Premiere #Pƒ3 (Promo Foil)
    Premiere Organized Play Kit #2
Princess Luna, Night Mare (Canterlot Nights Promo) Friend 3 Purple 4 4 Purple
Chief Thunderhooves, Buffaloing Buffalo Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Dr. Hooves, Just In Time Friend 3 Blue 4 4 Blue
Rarity, Dragon Charmer (Premiere Promo) Friend 3 White 4 2 White
Twilight Velvet, Proud Mom Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Fluttershy, Safe Haven Friend 2 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
  • Premiere #Pƒ6 (Promo Foil)
    Premiere Organized Play Kit #3
Twilight Sparkle, Noted Speaker Friend 0 Purple 3 3 Purple
Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter Friend 5 Pink 6 6 Pink
Fancy Pants, Trendsetter Friend 3 White 3 2 White
Photo Finish, Picture Perfect Pony Friend 3 White 3 2 White
Princess Luna, Night Mare Friend 3 Purple 4 4 Purple
Eagle, Soaring Raptor Friend 3 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Princess Celestia, Bringer of Light Friend 3 Yellow 4 2 Yellow
Applejack, Element of Honesty Friend 5 Orange 6 6 Orange
Coco Pommel, Fashion Apprentice (Canterlot Nights Promo) Friend 3 White 4 1 White
Cloudchaser (GenCon) Friend 1 Blue 1 None
Rainbow Dash (GenCon) Friend 3 Blue 4 2 Blue
Star Hunter (GenCon) Friend 1 Blue 1 None
Scootaloo (GenCon) Friend 2 Blue 2 None
Apple Cobbler (GenCon) Friend 1 Orange 1 None
Applejack (GenCon) Friend 3 Orange 3 1 Orange
Cherry Jubilee (GenCon) Friend 1 Orange 1 None
Crafty Crate (GenCon) Friend 1 Orange 2 None
Granny Smith (GenCon) Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Jack Hammer (GenCon) Friend 1 Orange 1 None
Dance Fever (GenCon) Friend 1 Pink 1 None
Felix (GenCon) Friend 1 Pink 1 None
Pinkie Pie (GenCon) Friend 3 Pink 4 1 Pink
Bill Neigh (GenCon) Friend 1 Purple 1 None
Diamond Mint (GenCon) Friend 1 Purple 1 None
Gizmo (GenCon) Friend 1 Purple 1 None
Zecora (GenCon) Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Big Shot (GenCon) Friend 1 White 1 None
Noteworthy (GenCon) Friend 1 White 1 None
Rarity (GenCon) Friend 2 White 3 1 White
Amethyst Star (GenCon) Friend 1 Yellow 1 None
Blue Jay (GenCon) Friend 1 Yellow 1 None
Fluttershy (GenCon) Friend 2 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
House Mouse (GenCon) Friend 1 Yellow 1 1 Yellow
Mane Goodall (GenCon) Friend 1 Yellow 1 None
Foggy Fleece, Cloud Crafter Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Big Mac, Biggest Brother Friend 4 Orange 4 3 Orange
DJ Pon-3, Everypony's Shufflin' Friend 3 Pink 4 4 Pink
Spike, Assistant Librarian Friend 1 Purple 2 2 Purple
Daisy, Mousy Mare Friend 2 Orange 3 None
Lily, Panicked Pony Friend 2 Pink 2 None
Roseluck, Fainthearted Filly Friend 3 White 4 None
Cherry Fizzy, Stalwart Soldier Friend 4 Orange 5 3 Orange
Pipsqueak, Scrappy Squirt Friend 1 Blue 1 2 Blue
Princess Luna, Mare in the Moon Friend 2 Purple 3 3 Purple
Golden Harvest, Beyond Her Garden Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Igneous Rock, Pebble Pusher Friend 1 Orange 1 2 Orange
Joe, Doughnuteer Friend 1 Orange 2 None
Applejack, Reunion Organizer Friend 2 Purple 3 1 Purple
Pinkie Pie, Clonie Pie Friend 2 Pink 3 3 Pink
Princess Celestia, Protector of Equestria Friend 3 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Sweetie Belle, Doting Sister Friend 1 White 2 1 White
Granny Smith, Jar Judger Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
Bulk Biceps, All Muscle Friend 4 Blue 3 4 Blue
A. K. Yearling, Adventure Writer Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Cipher Splash, Born Ready Friend 3 Blue 3 1 Blue
Scootaloo, Fan Club Founder Friend 2 Blue 2 3 Blue
Dark Moon, Moonlit Colt Friend 2 Blue 3 None
Hairpin Turn, Blocker Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Goosebump Giver Friend 1 Blue 2 2 Blue
Shooting Star, Tale Teller Friend 3 Blue 3 1 Blue
Sprinkle Medley, Drip Dropper Friend 3 Blue 4 2 Blue
Apple Bumpkin, Caramel Coater Friend 3 Orange 2 2 Orange
Cloudy Quartz, Concerned Mother Friend 0 Orange 1 1 Orange
Doc Top, Pony Pediatrician Friend 3 Orange 3 2 Orange
Steam Roller, Juggernaut Friend 3 Orange 3 1 Orange
Purple Waters, Prismatic Poet/Musician Friend 2 Pink 1 2 Pink
Lucky Star, Charming Cheerer Friend 2 Pink 2 1 Pink
Hondo Flanks, Big Daddy Friend 2 Pink 4 2 Pink
Snails, Deep Thinker Friend 2 Pink 3 2 Pink
Swan Song, Fun-loving Debutante Friend 1 Pink 1 2 Pink
Snips & Snails, Problem Solvers Friend 3 Pink 2 3 Pink
Eclair Crème, Vicarious Listener Friend 2 Blue 2 3 Blue
Orange Swirl, Dizzy Daredevil Friend 2 Blue 1 2 Blue
Rainbow Blaze, Dashing Mentor Friend 2 Blue 3 2 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty Friend 5 Blue 6 6 Blue
Rumble, Fast Learner Friend 1 Blue 2 None
Applejack, Applebucker Friend 2 Orange 3 3 Orange
Bags Valet, Luggage Lackey Friend 1 Orange 2 None
Earth Pony Royal Guard, Arresting Officer Friend 2 Orange 3 1 Orange
Fast Clip, Drill Instructor Friend 2 Orange 2 3 Orange
Hayseed Turnip Truck, "A" For Effort Friend 2 Orange 3 3 Orange
Cheese Sandwich, Wandering Partier Friend 2 Pink 2 3 Pink
Globe Trotter, Sight Seer Friend 3 Pink 3 1 Pink
Pinny Lane, Bowl'em Over Friend 2 Pink 3 1 Pink
Sassaflash, Striking! Friend 1 Pink 2 None
Snips, Schemer Friend 2 Pink 3 2 Pink
Amethyst Maresbury, Crystal Librarian Friend 3 Purple 3 1 Purple
Whitewash, Amiable Aviator Friend 2 Yellow 1 2 Yellow
Canterlot Archive Guard, Literate Lookout Friend 1 Purple 2 4 Purple
Raccoon, Scrounger Friend 1 Yellow 2 None
Compass Star, Geography Nut Friend 3 Purple 2 2 Purple
Four Step, Dance Teacher Friend 1 Purple 2 None
Nurse Redheart, Cantankerous Caretaker Friend 3 Yellow 3 4 Yellow
Minuette, Clocked Up Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Mrs. Cake, Dessertier Friend 3 Yellow 4 2 Yellow
Perfect Pace, Time Master Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
Sealed Scroll, Studious Scribe Friend 1 Purple 1 2 Purple
Lemon Hearts, Sweetheart Friend 1 Yellow 1 1 Yellow
Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard Friend 2 Purple 3 2 Purple
Starry Eyes, Space Cadet Friend 1 Purple 2 None
Fluttershy, Critter Caregiver Friend 2 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Tall Order, Council Colt Friend 3 Purple 3 1 Purple
Zecora, Magical Mentor Friend 1 Purple 1 1 Purple
Cookie Crumbles, Fancy Cooker Friend 2 White 3 3 White
Coco Pommel, Fashion Apprentice Friend 3 White 4 1 White
Silver Frames, Art Curator Friend 2 White 2 3 White
Fleur Dis Lee, Trendy Follower Friend 2 White 3 3 White
Hoity Toity, Fashion Critic Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Octavia, Star Cellist Friend 1 White 2 None
Sapphire Shores, Costume Changer Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Prim Posy, Fond of Fronds Friend 2 White 1 2 White
Rarity, Dragon Charmer Friend 3 White 4 2 White
Rarity, Element of Generosity Friend 5 White 6 6 White
Twilight Sky, Stanchion Stallion Friend 2 White 3 4 White
Angel, Serious Business Friend 1 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Blossomforth, Too Flexible Friend 1 Yellow 1 3 Yellow
Fine Line, Au Pair Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Fluttershy, Element of Kindness Friend 5 Yellow 6 6 Yellow
Goldie Delicious, Cat Hoarder Friend 2 Yellow 3 4 Yellow
Liza Doolots, Boundless Energy Friend 1 Yellow 2 None
Manny Roar, Mild Manticore Friend 3 Yellow 4 2 Yellow
Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic Friend 5 Purple 6 6 Purple
Fluttershy, Rainbow Chaser Friend 2 Blue 3 1 Blue
  • Canterlot Nights #Pƒ11 (Promo Foil)
    Summer 2014 Store Championship Tournament (Participation)
Rainbow Dash, Dressing in Style Friend 2 White 3 1 White
Equestrian Mailmare, Special Delivery Friend 2 Yellow 3 None
Berry Punch, All-Night Partier Friend 2 Pink 2 1 Pink
Apple Strudel, Well Aged Friend 2 Orange 3 2 Orange
Twinkleshine, Overachiever Friend 3 Purple 3 1 Purple
Octavia, Sweet Symphony Friend 2 White 3 3 White
Applejack, Summer Sun Caterer Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Princess Luna, The Setting Moon Friend 2 Purple 4 5 Purple
Rarity, Mare of Action Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Princess Celestia, The Rising Sun Friend 2 Yellow 4 3 Yellow
Rarity, Big Sister Friend 2 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Pinkie Pie, Apple Family Member Friend 2 Orange 3 1 Orange
Twilight Sparkle, Break Dancer Friend 2 Pink 3 1 Pink
  • Canterlot Nights #Pƒ9 (Promo Foil)
    Enterplay MLP CCG Play Group Questionnaire (October 2014)
Cloudchaser, Flexible Flier (Premiere Promo) Friend 1 Blue 2 None
Twilight Sparkle, Ursa Vanquisher (Canterlot Nights Promo) Friend 4 Purple 3 3 Purple
Holly Dash, Flighty Filly Friend 4 Blue 4 2 Blue
Maud Pie, Like a Rock Friend 4 Orange 4 4 Orange
Shining Armor, Crystal Prince Friend 0 Purple 3 3 Purple
Amethyst Star, Calming Presence Friend 1 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Ms. Harshwhinny, Officious Official Friend 2 Purple 4 4 Purple
Giselle, Thrillseeker Friend 2 Pink 2 None
Parcel Post, Pushing the Envelope Friend 2 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Dr. Hooves, Too Splashy Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Pinkie Pie, Distracting Cheerer Friend 3 Pink 3 3 Pink
Comet Tail, Blaze of Glory Friend 3 Blue 3 2 Blue
Tall Tale, Too Tall Friend 6 Orange 8 4 Orange
Cheerilee, Homeroom Teacher Friend 2 Purple 4 4 Purple
Hummingbird, Nimble Flier Friend 3 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Trixie, The Great and Powerful Showoff Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Coco Pommel, Refurbisher Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Bulk Biceps, Pumped Up Friend 2 Blue 2 4 Blue
Cheese Sandwich, Heavy Artillery Friend 3 Pink 3 3 Pink
Crystal Guard, On Duty Friend 3 Blue 3 2 Blue
Bright Smile, One of the Gang Friend 2 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Rainbow Dash, Crystallized Friend 2 Blue 3 3 Blue
Applejack, Crystallized Friend 1 Orange 3 3 Orange
Pinkie Pie, Crystallized Friend 3 Pink 3 3 Pink
Braeburn, Appleloosan Apple Friend 2 Orange 3 5 Orange
Princess Cadance, Crystal Princess Friend 4 White 4 4 White
Backup Racer, Substitute Flier Friend 2 Yellow 4 3 Yellow
Claude, Pulling the Strings Friend 3 Pink 4 3 Pink
Prim Hemline, Precise Pony Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Princess Luna, Good Night's Sleep Friend 3 Purple 3 3 Purple
Lyra, Very Excitable Friend 1 Pink 3 3 Pink
Bon Bon, Side by Side Friend 2 Pink 3 None
Spitfire, Cloudsdale Captain Friend 1 Blue 2 2 Blue
Bolt, Pivot Friend 4 Blue 4 3 Blue
Dr. Hooves, Experienced Equine Friend 0 Blue 1 1 Blue
Periwinkle Pace, Agile Athlete Friend 2 Blue 3 None
Rainbow Dash, Breeziefied Friend 0 Blue 0 2 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Relay Racer Friend 4 Blue 4 3 Blue
Randolph, High-Flying Earth Pony Friend 1 Blue 2 None
Scootaloo, Showstopper Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Soarin, Team Player Friend 2 Blue 2 4 Blue
Tank, Loyal Pet Friend 1 Blue 2 1 Blue
Apple Bloom, Showstopper Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Applejack, Breeziefied Friend 0 Orange 0 2 Orange
Cranky Doodle Donkey, Crankiest of Creatures Friend 0 Orange 2 1 Orange
Elbow Grease, Street Sweeper Friend 2 Orange 3 None
Royal Peacekeeper, Watchful Eye Friend 1 Orange 2 4 Orange
Sheriff Silverstar, Confident Constable Friend 3 Orange 3 None
Silverspeed, Eye in the Sky Friend 3 Orange 4 3 Orange
Spike, Statuesque Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Thunderlane, Nerves of Steel Friend 1 Orange 3 4 Orange
Winona, Dependable Pet Friend 3 Orange 3 2 Orange
Berry Punch, Very Convincing Friend 3 Pink 3 4 Pink
Gummy, Fun Pet Friend 2 Pink 2 3 Pink
Jewel Joy, Fair Feaster Friend 2 Pink 3 None
Mercury, Crystal Messenger Friend 1 Pink 3 1 Pink
Mr. Cake, Loving Father Friend 1 Pink 2 3 Pink
Pinkie Pie, Breeziefied Friend 0 Pink 0 2 Pink
Press Pass, On the Scene Friend 0 Pink 3 4 Pink
Surprise, Outta Nowhere Friend 1 Pink 3 3 Pink
Twist, Such a Treat Friend 1 Pink 2 1 Pink
Haymaker, Tough Trainer Friend 1 Purple 1 3 Purple
Mayor Mare, Town Leadership Friend 2 Purple 2 2 Purple
Night Light, Devoted Dad Friend 3 Purple 3 4 Purple
Owlowiscious, Wise Pet Friend 1 Purple 2 1 Purple
Raven, Event Organizer Friend 2 Purple 2 2 Purple
Rook Ramparts, Chess Champ Friend 2 Purple 3 None
Silver Spanner, Dumpster Diver Friend 1 Purple 1 None
Tight Ship, Meticulous Planner Friend 3 Purple 3 4 Purple
Top Marks, Long-winded Lecturer Friend 1 Purple 2 1 Purple
Twilight Sparkle, Breeziefied Friend 0 Purple 0 2 Purple
Twilight Sparkle, Crystallized Friend 3 Purple 3 3 Purple
Fancy Pants, All Class Friend 4 White 4 4 White
Glamour Gleam, Deep Clean Friend 2 White 3 2 White
Helia, Marathon Mare Friend 2 White 4 4 White
Lilac Luster, Beautiful Beautician Friend 2 White 3 None
Matilda, Full of Hope Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Opalescence, Stylish Pet Friend 2 White 3 1 White
Rarity, Breeziefied Friend 0 White 0 2 White
Rarity, Equestria Games Designer Friend 2 White 2 3 White
Spring Step, Multitalented Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Sweetie Belle, Showstopper Friend 2 White 2 1 White
Trenderhoof, Travel Writer Friend 2 White 2 2 White
White Lightning, Flip Flapper Friend 1 White 2 None
Angel, Bossy Pet Friend 2 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Flamingo, Hot Pink Friend 1 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Fluttershy, Breeziefied Friend 0 Yellow 0 2 Yellow
Fluttershy, Crystallized Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Golden Wheat, Happy to Help Friend 2 Yellow 3 None
Goldie Delicious, Dinner Time Friend 1 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
Orthros, Go Fetch Friend 3 Yellow 4 4 Yellow
Peachy Pitt, Suave Salesmare Friend 2 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
Princess Celestia, Bane of Evil Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Rarity, Crystallized Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship Friend 3 Purple 5 3 Purple
Pie Sisters, Two of a Kind Friend 3 Orange 4 1 Orange
Applejack, Carbo-Loader Friend 4 Orange 3 4 Orange
Fluttershy, Reliable Racer Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Defenders of Equestria, Royal Pony Sisters Friend 5 Orange 3 2 Orange
Twilight Sparkle, Cutie Mark Consultant (Generic Fixed Promo) Friend 4 Purple 4 None
Princess Luna, Dream Weaver Friend 2 Yellow 4 4 Yellow
Octavia, Serious Musician Friend 2 White 3 2 White
DJ Pon-3, Flippant DJ Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Princess Celestia, Gambit Planner Friend 2 Purple 2 2 Purple
Maud Pie, Let's Play "Camouflage" Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
  • The Crystal Games #Pƒ14 (Promo Foil)
    Enterplay MLP CCG Play Group Questionnaire (March 2015)
Equestrian Mailmare, Special Delivery (The Crystal Games Promo) Friend 2 Yellow 3 None
Maud Pie, Like a Rock (The Crystal Games Promo) Friend 4 Orange 4 4 Orange
Lady Justice, Judge & Jury (Premiere Promo) Friend 3 Purple 4 None
Daring Do, Professional Heroine Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Cutie Mark Consultant (Generic Fixed Promo) Friend 4 Blue 4 None
Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Crash Friend 1 Blue 2 2 Blue
  • Absolute Discord #Pƒ2 (Promo Foil)
    Absolute Discord Prerelease Event (Participation)
Changeling Drone, Fear Eater Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Discord, General Disarray Friend 2 Blue 3 None
Discord, Tricksy Friend 2 Pink 3 None
Discord, Sorceror Supreme Friend 2 Purple 3 None
Discord, Gone Cuckoo Friend 2 Yellow 3 None
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Star Swirl Enthusiast Friend 4 Purple 4 3 Purple
Nightmare Moon, Deep Darkness Friend 2 None (Colorless) 2 None
Discord, Spirit of Chaos Friend 7 Pink 3 2 Pink
Zecora, Flashing Back Friend 3 Purple 3 3 Purple
Cheese Sandwich, All Around Equestria Friend 2 Blue 2 None
Princess Luna, The Sandmare Friend 4 Orange 3 3 Orange
Letrotski, Taking it Easy Friend 1 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Daisy, Fickle Salesmare Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Lily, Persistent Friend 2 Pink 2 1 Pink
Roseluck, Flower Whiz Friend 1 White 1 1 White
Ballerina Buffalos, Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Friend 2 White 2 4 White
Princess Celestia, Fair but Firm Friend 3 Blue 4 2 Blue
Owlowiscious, Tome Retriever Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
Rarity, Sudden Inspiration Friend 1 White 1 None
Big Mac, All Bark, No Bite Friend 1 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Band of Breezies, Dust in the Wind Friend 2 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
Flitter, Sitter Friend 2 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Cloudchaser, Ready and Willing Friend 2 Blue 1 4 Blue
Ahuizotl, Oppressive Friend 3 None (Colorless) 3 None
Applejack, Discorded Friend 2 None (Colorless) 3 2 White
Pinkie Pie, Discorded Friend 2 None (Colorless) 2 2 Yellow
Rainbow Dash, Discorded Friend 4 None (Colorless) 3 2 Purple
Rarity, Discorded Friend 2 None (Colorless) 3 2 Orange
Queen Chrysalis, Identity Theft Friend 3 None (Colorless) 3 None
Trenderhoof, Trailblazer Friend 2 White 2 4 White
Sunset Shimmer, Clever Girl Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Granny Smith, Respect Your Elders Friend 2 Orange 3 1 Orange
Snips & Snails, Stage Magicians Friend 1 Pink 3 3 Pink
Tom, Rolling Rock Friend 1 Pink 3 4 Pink
Applejack, Farm Foremare (Premiere Promo) Friend 3 Orange 3 1 Orange
  • Premiere #213 (Fixed)
    (Click to View)
  • Premiere #Pƒ2 (Promo Foil)
    Summer 2014 Convention Event (Participation)
    Summer 2014 Regional Tournament (Participation)
Rainbow Dash, To the Rescue (Premiere Promo) Friend 3 Blue 4 2 Blue
King Sombra, Slave Driver Friend 4 None (Colorless) 3 None
Iron Will, Attack the Day Friend 3 Orange 2 4 Orange
Rainbow Dash, Sonic Rainboom Friend 2 Blue 3 4 Blue
Screwball, Topsy Turvy Friend 1 Pink 3 3 Pink
Ace, Oh Rally Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Aloe, Totally Relaxing Friend 2 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Apple Bloom, Overdressed Friend 3 White 4 1 White
Applejack, Lasso Champion Friend 5 Orange 4 4 Orange
Bessie, Bathtime Friend 3 Orange 2 3 Orange
Bloomberg, Deep Roots Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Bon Bon, Candy Expert Friend 2 Purple 2 None
Bulk Biceps, In Uniform Friend 2 White 2 None
Caramel, Cheerful Worker Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Cheerilee, Break It Up! Friend 2 Purple 2 2 Purple
Coco Crusoe, Flipping Out Friend 2 Orange 3 2 Orange
Coco Pommel, Caring Assistant Friend 2 Yellow 2 None
Comet Tail, Out of Control Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Crackle, Diamond in the Rough Friend 4 White 4 3 White
Discord, Artiste de Anarchy Friend 2 White 3 None
Discord, Down to Earth Friend 2 Orange 3 None
Fleetfoot, Secret Sweetheart Friend 2 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Flim & Flam, Shrewd Schemers Friend 2 None (Colorless) 2 None
Fluttershy, Discorded Friend 3 None (Colorless) 3 2 Pink
Fluttershy, Hide and Squeak Friend 2 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Gravy Boat, Hot Stuff Friend 2 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Hoops, Peer Pressurer Friend 2 Pink 2 4 Pink
Hughbert Jellius, Sticks Around Friend 2 Orange 2 3 Orange
Lemon Hearts, Animancer Friend 2 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Lightning Dust, Last Resort Friend 4 Blue 4 2 Blue
Little Strongheart, Quick on Her Hooves Friend 3 Blue 3 1 Blue
Lotus Blossom, Masseuse Friend 2 White 2 4 White
Lyra, Good Posture Friend 2 Orange 2 None
Maud Pie, Having a Blast Friend 2 Pink 2 None
Minuette, Fast Forward Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Mr. Waddle, Frequent Napper Friend 3 Purple 3 1 Purple
Petstrosity, Nightmare Fuel Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Pinkie Pie, Life of the Party Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Ponka Po, Undercover Mastermind Friend 1 Pink 1 1 Pink
Prince Blueblood, Loudmouth Friend 2 White 2 1 White
Sapphire Shores, Glitz and Glam Friend 2 White 3 4 White
Shining Armor, Back on Duty Friend 3 Blue 3 2 Blue
Spike, The New Rainbow Dash Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Steven Magnet, Great Guy Friend 1 White 1 3 White
Sweetie Belle, Cat Sitter Friend 1 Blue 1 1 Blue
Tank, Flying Tortoise Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Trixie, Big Boaster Friend 1 Purple 2 1 Purple
Truffle, Newsworthy Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Twilight Sparkle, Discorded Friend 2 None (Colorless) 3 2 Blue
Twinkleshine, Outside the Box Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Weather Mare, Shocking! Friend 1 Blue 1 None
Scootaloo, Practice Makes Perfect Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Princess Cadance, On Vacation Friend 4 Pink 4 2 Pink
DJ Pon-3, Loose Cannon Friend 2 Pink 1 4 Pink
Nightmare Moon, Deep Darkness (Absolute Discord Promo) Friend 2 None (Colorless) 2 None
Fluttershy, Flutterguy Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Flopple Friend 2 Purple 2 2 Purple
Screwball, Topsy Turvy (Absolute Discord Promo) Friend 1 Pink 3 3 Pink
Spike, The New Rainbow Dash (Absolute Discord Promo) Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Pinkie Pie, Spittie Pie Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Applejack, Apple Teeny Friend 1 Orange 2 2 Orange
  • Absolute Discord #Pƒ10 (Promo Foil)
    Absolute Discord Theme Night Kit #1 or Organized Play Kit #1
Ahuizotl, Oppressive (Absolute Discord Promo) Friend 3 None (Colorless) 3 None
Rarity, Hairity Friend 1 White 2 2 White
Blank Friend 3 None (Colorless) 1 None
Rainbow Dash, Winged Wonder (Premiere Promo) Friend 2 Blue 3 2 Blue
Rarity, Cutie Mark Consultant (Generic Fixed Promo) Friend 4 White 4 None
Gummy, Things Just Got Real Friend 1 Yellow 2 4 Yellow
Rarity, Truly Outrageous (Premiere Promo) Friend 2 White 3 3 White
Falcon, Fast & Furious (Premiere Promo) Friend 1 Yellow 1 1 Yellow
Bulk Biceps, All Muscle (Canterlot Nights Promo) Friend 4 Blue 3 4 Blue
Twilight Sparkle, Zeroed Out Friend 2 Blue/Purple 2 2 Blue and 2 Purple
Tank, Burrower Friend 2 Blue 2 None
Dr. Hooves, Time Researcher (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Purple 2 None
Bulk Biceps, Extra Strong Masseuse Friend 2 Pink/White 2 1 Pink and 1 White
Princess Luna, Wax and Wane Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
Moving Mare, Crash on Delivery Friend 2 Pink 1 4 Pink
Gilda, Feather Ruffler Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Big Mac, Bass Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Torch Song, Alto Friend 2 Pink 2 1 Pink
Octavia, Harsh Judge Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Fluttershy, Backup Vocals Friend 2 Yellow 4 2 Yellow
Toe-Tapper, Tenor Friend 3 Orange/Pink 3 1 Orange and 1 Pink
Trouble Shoes, Rodeo Clown Friend 2 Orange/Pink 3 2 Orange and 2 Pink
Night Glider, Overpowering Friend 2 Blue 2 3 Blue
Rarity, Soprano Friend 2 Pink/White 2 1 Pink and 1 White
Lyra, Ponyville's Got Talent (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Golden Harvest, Bountiful Crop Friend 2 Orange/Yellow 3 2 Orange and 2 Yellow
Princess Luna, Good Night's Sleep (The Crystal Games Promo) Friend 3 Purple 3 3 Purple
DJ Pon-3, Breakdown Friend 2 Pink 2 3 Pink
Photo Finish, Fashion Forward Friend 4 White 4 1 White
Spike, To the Nines Friend 2 White 2 None
Apple Bloom, Re-Markable Friend 1 Orange 1 1 Orange
Applejack, Cutie Mark Consultant Friend 4 Orange 4 None
Granny Smith, Apple Matriarch Friend 2 Orange 3 1 Orange
Sweetie Drops, Secret Agent Friend 3 Orange 2 2 Orange
Sheriff Silverstar, Search Warrant Friend 2 Orange 3 3 Orange
Star Spur, Appleoosan Deputy Friend 3 Orange 3 None
Trixie, Rock Farmer Friend 2 Orange 2 None
Animal Allies, Welcome to the Horde Friend 0 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Calvin & Theo, Aw, Nuts Friend 2 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Fluttershy, Cutie Mark Consultant Friend 4 Yellow 4 None
Harry, Bear Hugs Friend 5 Yellow 5 2 Yellow
Weather Mare, Team Player Friend 2 Yellow 2 None
Princess Twilight Sparkle, A Born Leader Friend 4 Purple 4 4 Purple
Babs Seed, Cutie Marked Friend 2 Pink 3 None
Braeburn, Two Left Hooves Friend 4 Pink 2 3 Pink
Gummy, Best Baker Friend 2 Pink 2 None
Pinkie Pie, Cutie Mark Consultant Friend 4 Pink 4 None
Daisy, Lily, & Roseluck, Wilt Under Pressure Friend 1 White 1 4 White
Fleur Dis Lee, Canterlot Socialite Friend 2 White 2 1 White

Second 500 pages:

Card Type Power Color Cost Requirements Release Info
Sweetie Belle, Just a Snag Friend 2 White 2 1 White
Rainbow Dash, Cutie Mark Consultant Friend 4 Blue 4 None
Twilight Sparkle, Cutie Mark Consultant Friend 4 Purple 4 None
Rarity, Cutie Mark Consultant Friend 4 White 4 None
Rainbow Dash, On Even Ground Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Princess Luna, Night's Steward Friend 5 Orange/Yellow 4 3 Orange and 3 Yellow
Prince Blueblood, Skin Deep Friend 3 White 3 2 White
Amethyst Star, Very Organized Friend 2 Purple 3 1 Purple
Berry Punch, Drink Up! Friend 2 Pink 2 1 Pink
Scootaloo, Daredevil Friend 1 Blue 1 2 Blue
Trenderhoof, Trying Too Hard Friend 3 Orange 2 4 Orange
Aura, Really Rambunctious Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Spitfire, On the Wing Friend 2 Blue 2 None
Maud Pie, Not Amused Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
Minuette, Time Will Tell Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Spitfire, On the Wing (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Blue 2 None
Maud Pie, Not Amused (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
Gummy, Best Baker (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Pink 2 None
Minuette, Time Will Tell (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Dr. Hooves, Time Researcher Friend 2 Purple 2 None
Spike, To the Nines (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 White 2 None
Fluttershy, Backup Vocals (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Yellow 4 2 Yellow
Joe, Con Mane Friend 2 White 2 3 White
Shining Armor, Bastion Brother Friend 2 Blue/Purple 2 1 Blue and 1 Purple
Fluttershy, Stare Master Friend 2 Yellow 2 4 Yellow
Applejack, Protective Big Sis Friend 3 Orange/Yellow 3 3 Orange and 3 Yellow
Pinkie Pie, Remix Master Friend 4 White 4 3 White
Pinkie Pie, Remix Master (Equestrian Odysseys Royal Rare) Friend 4 White 4 3 White
Discord, Wrathful (Equestrian Odysseys Royal Rare) Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Discord, Wrathful Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Spike, Number One Assistant Friend 2 Purple 2 4 Purple
Lyra, Ponyville's Got Talent Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Chief Thunderhooves, On the Warpath Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Dr. Caballeron, Cutthroat Friend 2 Blue 3 1 Blue
Fancy Pants, Race Fan Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Lightning Dust, Ruthless Racer Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Best of the Best Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Scootaloo, Flying High Friend 1 Blue 1 3 Blue
Soarin, Gold Medalist Friend 4 Blue 4 2 Blue
Apple Bloom, Bloomception Friend 2 Orange 1 4 Orange
Applejack, A Hard Day's Work Friend 4 Orange 4 3 Orange
Cranky & Matilda, Dedicated Couple Friend 5 Orange 5 2 Orange
Open Skies & Clear Skies, Cloud Movers Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Cheese Sandwich, The Party Never Ends Friend 1 Pink 2 1 Pink
High Rollers, Let's Go Bowling Friend 3 Pink 3 3 Pink
Pinkie Pie, Everypony's PFF Friend 2 Pink 2 4 Pink
Pipsqueak, Trottinghamian Friend 1 Pink 1 1 Pink
Pound Cake & Pumpkin Cake, Foalin' Around Friend 3 Pink 3 2 Pink
Cheerilee, Pass / Fail Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Grampa Gruff, Griffonstone Historian Friend 3 Purple 3 None
Mayor Mare, Vote of Confidence Friend 1 Purple 1 1 Purple
Ms. Harshwhinny, Games Administrator Friend 4 Purple 4 2 Purple
Owlowiscious, Astute Avian Friend 1 Purple 1 3 Purple
Trixie, Even Better Friend 2 Purple 3 3 Purple
Aloe, Magic Touch Friend 1 White 1 None
Aunt Orange, Distant Cousin Friend 1 White 1 2 White
Discord, Plus One Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Rarity, Attention Horse Friend 3 White 3 4 White
Sapphire Shores, Star of the Show Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Sweetie Belle, Stitch by Stitch Friend 2 White 2 3 White
Goldie Delicious, Creature Comforts Friend 2 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Tree Hugger, Calming Auditory Therapy Friend 3 White/Yellow 3 2 White and 2 Yellow
Sugar Belle, Takes the Cake Friend 3 Pink/White 3 3 Pink and 3 White
Daring Do, Adventure Time Friend 4 Blue/Purple 4 3 Blue and 3 Purple
Philomena, Up in Smoke Friend 2 Yellow 1 3 Yellow
Party Favor, A Bridge to Somewhere Friend 2 Pink 2 4 Pink
Double Diamond, Air Drop Friend 2 Orange 4 4 Orange
Princess Celestia, Royal Decree Friend 2 Yellow 2 4 Yellow
The Smooze, Scavenger Friend 2 None (Colorless) 2 None
Junebug, Gentle Soul Friend 2 Yellow 1 3 Yellow
Mr. & Mrs. Cake, Busy Parents Friend 3 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Nurse Redheart, Nurse's Orders Friend 1 Yellow 1 1 Yellow
Peewee, Firestarter Friend 1 Yellow 1 1 Yellow
Princess Celestia, Smite Makes Right Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Screwy, One With the Pack Friend 2 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Sunshower, Storm Spotter Friend 2 Yellow 2 None
Zecora, Mysterious and Spooky Friend 3 Blue/Purple 3 2 Blue and 2 Purple
Bon Bon, Particularly Patient Friend 2 Orange/Yellow 2 1 Orange and 1 Yellow
Snips & Snails, Minor Problem Friend 4 Orange/Pink 4 2 Orange and 2 Pink
Featherweight, Overeager Photog Friend 3 Pink/White 3 2 Pink and 2 White
Princess Cadance, Everlasting Love Friend 2 Pink/White 2 1 Pink and 1 White
Cratus, Ancient Beast Dealer Friend 2 White/Yellow 2 2 White and 2 Yellow
Davenport, Mattress Salespony Friend 3 White/Yellow 3 4 White and 4 Yellow
Opalescence, Ferocious Feline Friend 2 White/Yellow 2 1 White and 1 Yellow
Weather Mare, Team Player (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Yellow 2 None
Octavia, Harsh Judge (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Trixie, Rock Farmer (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Orange 2 None
Rainbow Dash, On Even Ground (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Exact Duplicate, My Little Clony Friend 3 Purple/Yellow 3 4 Purple and 4 Yellow
Trixie, Center Stage Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
Snips & Snails, Problem Solvers (Canterlot Nights Promo) Friend 3 Pink 2 3 Pink
Applejack, Carbo-Loader (The Crystal Games Promo) Friend 4 Orange 3 4 Orange
Scootaloo, What a Wingspan! Friend 3 Blue 3 None
Zecora, Forest Shaman Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
DJ Pon-3 & Octavia, Crowd Pleasers Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Elizabeak, Spring Chicken Friend 1 Yellow 1 3 Yellow
Shining Armor, Team Trainer Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Prince Rutherford, Quick to Judge Friend 2 Blue 2 4 Blue
Diamond Tiara, Breaking News Friend 2 Pink/Purple 2 2 Pink and 2 Purple
Dr. Hooves, All in Due Time Friend 2 Blue/Yellow 3 2 Blue and 2 Yellow
Gilda, Amended Friend Friend 2 Blue/Pink 4 2 Blue and 2 Pink
Daring Do, Well Disguised Friend 4 White 3 4 White
Winona, Good Girl! Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Pinkie Pie, Fili-Second Friend 3 Pink 3 3 Pink
Maud Pie, Pet Rocks Friend 2 Orange 3 4 Orange
Furball, Pet Roundup Friend 1 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Lyra & Bon Bon, Better Halves Friend 3 Blue/Pink 2 2 Blue and 2 Pink
Moondancer, Page Turner Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
Flitter, Flutterer Friend 2 Pink 3 2 Pink
Cloudchaser, Wonderbolt Trainee Friend 2 Blue 2 3 Blue
Filthy Rich, Cold Hard Cash Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Back in Black Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Fluttershy, Conflict Resolver Friend 2 Yellow 1 3 Yellow
Fluttershy, Saddle Rager (High Magic Royal Rare) Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Sonata Dusk, Siren's Call Friend 1 Pink 1 2 Pink
Spitfire, Wing Leader Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Minuette, Making Friends Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Princess Luna, Web of Dreams Friend 2 Purple 2 2 Purple
White Unicorn Token (High Magic) Friend 1 White None None
White Unicorn Token (High Magic) Friend 1 Blue None None
Blue Pegasus Token (High Magic) Friend 1 Blue None None
Blue Pegasus Token (High Magic) Friend 3 Pink None None
Princess Cadance, Spa Day Friend 2 White 1 3 White
Pinkie Pie, Whole Hog Friend 2 Pink 2 1 Pink
Owlowiscious, Reshelver Friend 2 Purple 2 None
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Cover to Cover Friend 0 Purple 2 3 Purple
Lemon Hearts, Banquet Planner Friend 3 Pink/Purple 3 1 Pink and 1 Purple
Angel, Brushie Brushie Friend 2 Yellow 2 None
Angel, Large and In Charge Friend 3 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Hoity Toity, Discerning Eye Friend 2 Orange/White 3 3 Orange and 3 White
Kevin, Fitting In Friend 2 Colorless 2 None
Snips & Snails, Joined at the Horn Friend 4 Pink 3 1 Pink
Dance Fever, Dancing Machine Friend 2 White 2 None
Bulk Biceps, Hummingbro Friend 4 Blue 4 3 Blue
Night Glider, She's On It! Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Powered Friend 2 Blue 1 2 Blue
Spike, Dream Big Friend 4 Blue 4 2 Blue
Apple Bloom, Budding Apple Friend 3 Orange 3
Applejack, Rainbow Powered Friend 2 Orange 1 2 Orange
Applejack, Tree Whisperer Friend 3 Orange 3 2 Orange
Braeburn, Good Seed Friend 2 Orange 1 3 Orange
Tank, Shell Shock Friend 3 Blue 3 2 Blue
Double Diamond, Ski Champ Friend 3 Orange 4 4 Orange
Granny Smith, Fit as a Fiddle Friend 3 Orange 3 2 Orange
Mega Mare, Watch Your Step Friend 5 Pink 5 4 Pink
Fluffy Clouds, Summit Delegate Friend 3 Pink 3 2 Pink
Berry Punch, Head In the Clouds Friend 4 Pink 4 None
Silver Shill, Secrets and Lies Friend 3 Orange 3 2 Orange
Cheerilee, Foal Herder Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Sugar Belle, Fresh From the Oven Friend 2 Pink 3 1 Pink
Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Powered Friend 2 Pink 1 2 Pink
Party Favor, Balloon Master Friend 2 Pink 2 3 Pink
Orange, You Glad Friend 2 Purple/Yellow 2 2 Purple and 2 Yellow
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Powered Friend 2 Purple 1 2 Purple
Spike, Hum Drum Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
Fancy Pants, Respected Aristocrat Friend 2 White 3 3 White
Opalescence, Royal Edict Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Prim Hemline, Runway Judge Friend 4 White 2 None
Rarity, Rainbow Powered Friend 2 White 1 2 White
Steven Magnet, What a World! Friend 3 White 3 2 White
Sweetie Belle, Forsooth and Anon Friend 2 White 2 None
Aloe & Lotus Blossom, Relaxation Specialists Friend 2 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Fluttershy, Rainbow Powered Friend 2 Yellow 1 2 Yellow
Nurse Redheart, Peace and Quiet Friend 2 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Princess Celestia, Solar Serenity Friend 3 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Seabreeze, Breezie Boss Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
The Smooze, Chum Friend 3 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Cheese Sandwich, Dive Instructor Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Blue and 2 Pink
Soarin, Pie Powered Friend 1 Blue/Pink 1 1 Blue and 1 Pink
Fleetfoot, Natural Born Winner Friend 3 Blue/Yellow 3 3 Blue and 3 Yellow
Little Strongheart, Herd Tactics Friend 2 Blue/Yellow 2 2 Blue and 2 Yellow
Skunk, Lil Stinker Friend 1 Blue/Yellow 1 1 Blue and 1 Yellow
Davenport, Low Low Prices! Friend 2 Orange/White 2 2 Orange and 2 White
Joe, Sticky Glaze Friend 2 Orange/White 1 2 Orange and 2 White
Trenderhoof, Locale Critic Friend 3 Orange/White 3 3 Orange and 3 White
Discord, Party Clasher Friend 2 Pink/Purple 2 3 Pink and 3 Purple
Twinkleshine, Experimental Magic Friend 2 Pink/Purple 2 2 Pink and 2 Purple
Mayor Mare, Lawmaker Friend 2 Purple/Yellow 2 1 Purple and 1 Yellow
Zipporwhill, Puppy Addict Friend 3 Purple/Yellow 3 3 Purple and 3 Yellow
Rainbow Dash, Zapp Friend 4 Blue 3 3 Blue
Applejack, Mistress Mare-velous Friend 2 Orange 2 3 Orange
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Masked Matter-Horn Friend 4 Purple 4 2 Purple
Photo Finish, Say "Käse!" Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Rarity, Radiance Friend 4 White 4 4 White
Fluttershy, Saddle Rager Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Tree Hugger, Animal Magnetism Friend 3 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Big Mac, Princess for a Night Friend 4 Orange 3 3 Orange
Rarity, Radiance (High Magic Royal Rare) Friend 4 White 4 4 White
Dr. Hooves, All in Due Time (High Magic Promo) Friend 2 Blue/Yellow 3 2 Blue and 2 Yellow
Prince Rutherford, Quick to Judge (High Magic Promo) Friend 2 Blue 2 4 Blue
Spike, Hum Drum (High Magic Promo) Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
Lyra & Bon Bon, Better Halves (High Magic Promo) Friend 3 Blue/Pink 2 2 Blue and 2 Pink
Discord, Party Clasher (High Magic Promo) Friend 2 Pink/Purple 2 3 Pink and 3 Purple
Sunset Shimmer, Clever Girl (Absolute Discord Promo) Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Starlight Glimmer, Apocalypse Now Friend 2 Purple 3 2 Purple
Pinkie Pie, One Filly Party Friend 4 Multi 3 3 Pink and 3 Yellow
Coloratura, Happy Camper Friend 4 White 2 1 White
Party Filly, Bubble Burster Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Lemon Hearts, Contents Under Pressure Friend 2 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
Babs Seed, Anti-Bully Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Growing Up Friend 1 Blue 1 None
Apple Bloom, Forever a Crusader Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Starlight Glimmer, Apprentice Sorcerer Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Fluttershy, Growing Up Friend 1 Yellow 1 None
Night Glider, Ambitious Aerobat Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Diamond Tiara, Newfound Friend Friend 3 White 3 1 White
Rarity, Growing Up Friend 1 White 1 None
Battlesnakes, Hissy Fit Friend 1 Yellow 1 1 Yellow
Pinkie Pie, Growing Up Friend 1 Pink 1 None
Flitter & Cloudchaser, Prancing Pair Friend 2 Pink 2 3 Pink
Smart Cookie, Equestrian Founder Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Cheerilee, Always Invited Friend 1 Purple 1 1 Purple
Twilight Sparkle, Growing Up Friend 1 Purple 1 None
Kevin, Fitting In (High Magic Promo) Friend 2 Colorless 2 None
Chancellor Puddinghead, Equestrian Founder Friend 2 Pink 2 1 Pink
Princess Celestia, Equestrian General Friend 2 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
Princess Platinum, Equestrian Founder Friend 5 White 5 1 White
Clover the Clever, Equestrian Founder Friend 4 Purple 4 1 Purple
The Smooze, Wobbling Blob Friend 4 Colorless 4 None
Applejack, Growing Up Friend 1 Orange 1 None
Maud Pie, Just a Pebble Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Princess Cadance, Best Foalsitter Ever Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Coco Pommel, Set Designer Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Purple and 2 White
Minuette, Schadenfreude Friend 2 Pink 3 1 Pink
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Time Patrol Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Orange and 2 Purple
Mystery Mare, In Costume Friend 2 Multi 1 3 Blue and 3 Orange
A. K. Yearling, The Pen is Mightier Friend 2 Multi 1 2 Blue and 2 White
Svengallop, Heavy-Hooved Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 White
Limestone Pie, Captain Grumpy Friend 3 Multi 3 3 Orange and 3 Purple
Unplanned Guests, Very Animated Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Pink and 2 Yellow
Silver Spoon, High and Mighty Friend 2 Multi 2 1 Purple and 1 White
Rainbow Dash, One Winged Warrior Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 Orange
Discord, Sneaky Snake Friend 2 Multi 2 1 Pink and 1 Yellow
Applejack, Factory Organizer Friend 2 Multi 2 1 Orange and 1 Purple
Zipporwhill, Pet Collector Friend 1 Yellow 1 3 Yellow
Scootaloo, Forever a Crusader Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Rarity, Indifferent Decorator Friend 4 Multi 3 1 Blue and 1 White
Marble Pie, Quiet as a Stone Friend 3 Yellow 1 2 Yellow
Moondancer, Detail-Oriented Friend 4 Multi 4 4 Purple and 4 White
Igneous Rock & Cloudy Quartz, Rock Ranchers Friend 2 Orange 1 4 Orange
Starlight Glimmer, Apprentice Sorcerer (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Blue Pegasus Token (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 1 Blue None None
Thunderlane, Unsung Hero Friend 5 Blue 4 4 Blue
Pipsqueak, Class President Friend 3 Blue 3 1 Blue
Bulk Biceps, Get Swole Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Blue and 2 Orange
Spike, Ultimate Host Friend 2 Multi 2 3 Pink and 3 Yellow
Spoiled Rich, Center of Attention Friend 5 Multi 5 3 Purple and 3 White
Angel, Best Bunny Friend 3 Yellow 3 None
Shining Armor, Soldier in Training Friend 4 Blue 3 4 Blue
Rainbow Dash, One Winged Warrior (Marks in Time Royal Rare) Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 Orange
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Time Patrol (Marks in Time Royal Rare) Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Orange and 2 Purple
Bon Bon, Minty Fresh Friend 2 Blue 2 3 Blue
Commander Hurricane, Equestrian Founder Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Gilda, Out of the Nest Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Tank, Best Tortoise Friend 3 Blue 3 None
Granny Smith, Family Founder Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Holder's Boulder, Key Stone Friend 3 Orange 3 4 Orange
Winona, Best Dog Friend 3 Orange 3 None
Discord, Dubious Intent Friend 2 Pink 2 4 Pink
Gummy, Best Gator Friend 3 Pink 3 None
Lyra, Candy Fiend Friend 3 Pink 3 2 Pink
Owlowiscious, Best Owl Friend 3 Purple 3 None
Princess Luna, A Nightmare Come True Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Twinkleshine, Compulsive Helper Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Coloratura, Razzle Dazzle Friend 2 White 2 1 White
Method Mares, Convincing Act Friend 2 White 2 4 White
Opalescence, Best Cat Friend 3 White 3 None
Sassy Saddles, Expert Marketer Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Sweetie Belle, Forever a Crusader Friend 2 White 2 1 White
Parasprite, Calm Before the Swarm Friend 1 Yellow 1 1 Yellow
Private Pansy, Equestrian Founder Friend 2 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
Tree Hugger, Varmint Vocalizations Friend 2 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
Orchard Blossom, Delicate Flower Friend 4 Multi 3 1 Blue and 1 Orange
Dr. Hooves, Time Loop Friend 3 Multi 2 3 Orange and 3 Purple
Big Mac, Little Big Brother Friend 3 Orange 3 2 Orange
Cheese Sandwich, Partier in Training Friend 2 Pink 2 3 Pink
Fluttershy, Leader of the Pack Friend 4 Yellow 4 4 Yellow
Wind Rider, Dirty Pool Friend 4 Multi 4 2 Blue and 2 White
Apple Bloom, Re-Markable (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 1 Orange 1 1 Orange
Coloratura, Razzle Dazzle (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 2 White 2 1 White
Marble Pie, Quiet as a Stone (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 3 Yellow 1 2 Yellow
Applejack, Factory Organizer (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 2 Multi 2 1 Orange and 1 Purple
Rarity, Indifferent Decorator (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 4 Multi 3 1 Blue and 1 White
Orange Rock Token (High Magic) Friend 3 Orange None None
Orange Rock Token (High Magic) Friend 1 Yellow None None
Yellow Critter Token (High Magic) Friend 1 Yellow None None
Yellow Critter Token (High Magic) Friend 2 Purple None None
Purple Figment Token (High Magic Promo) Friend 2 Purple None None
White Unicorn Token (High Magic Promo) Friend 1 White None None
Pink Earth Pony Token (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 3 Pink None None
Night Glider, Overpowering (Equestrian Odysseys Promo) Friend 2 Blue 2 3 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Zapp (High Magic Promo) Friend 4 Blue 3 3 Blue
Princess Luna, Mare in the Moon (Canterlot Nights Promo) Friend 2 Purple 3 3 Purple
White Unicorn Token (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 1 White None None
Sky Stinger, Leadership Material Friend 3 Blue 3 4 Blue
Sugar Belle, Muffin Mayhem Friend 3 Pink 4 3 Pink
Big Mac, Sir McBiggun Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
Sunset Shimmer, Clever Calculator Friend 4 Purple 3 3 Purple
Plaid Stripes, Spoony Friend 3 White 3 3 White
Mr. and Mrs. Shy, Permissive Parents Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
DJ Pon-3, Caroller Friend 3 Pink 3 1 Pink
Zephyr Breeze, Quitter Friend 4 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Sweetie Belle, Most Traditional Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Orange and 2 White
Flim & Flam, Shams Friend 0 Colorless 2 None
Berry Punch & Orange Swirl, Drinking Buddies Friend 1 Pink 1 2 Pink
Cloudchaser & Flitter, Two on the Team Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Blue and 2 Yellow
Mr. Stripes, Pushy Pony Friend 5 Multi 4 3 Orange and 3 Purple
Rainbow Dash, Snowdash Friend 1 Blue 1 None
Starlight Glimmer, Taking Charge Friend 5 Purple 8 4 Purple
Rarity & Fluttershy, Critter Recruiters Friend 3 Multi 3 2 White and 2 Yellow
Applejack, Captain of the Seven Seas Friend 5 Orange 5 3 Orange
Rainbowshine, Gift Giver Friend 2 Multi 2 1 Pink and 1 Purple
Merry Mare, Tis Better to Give Friend 3 Pink 3 3 Pink
Discord, Captain Wuzz Friend 2 White 2 None
Discord, Captain Wuzz (Defenders of Equestria Promo) Friend 2 White 2 None
Fluttershy, Flutterholly Friend 1 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Limestone Pie, All Work and No Play Friend 4 Orange 4 2 Orange
Discord, Standing Up Friend 4 Pink 7 4 Pink
Sunburst, Royal Foalsitter Friend 2 Multi 3 1 Purple and 1 Yellow
Pow, Loyal Henchpony Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Colorless Changeling Token Friend 2 Colorless None None
Quibble Pants, Nonbeliever Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Blue and 2 Purple
Golden Harvest, Caroller Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Lyra, Caroller Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Dr. Hooves, Caroller Friend 3 Purple 3 1 Purple
Octavia, Caroller Friend 2 White 2 1 White
Bon Bon, Caroller Friend 3 Yellow 3 1 Yellow
Defenders of Spiketopia, Magic and Might Friend 4 Blue 4 4 Blue
The Flying Prairinos, Pink Prairie Dog Pyramid Friend 2 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Scootaloo, Most Creative Friend 4 Multi 4 2 Blue and 2 White
Apple Bloom, Fastest Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 Orange
Baby Flurry Heart, Newborn Nightmare Friend 3 Pink 2 3 Pink
Cheerilee, Cheerileeder Friend 2 Multi 2 3 Orange and 3 Yellow
Trixie, Above Average Friend 3 White 7 3 White
Night Glider, Swooper Duper Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Shining Armor, Bedraggled Dad Friend 2 Blue 2 4 Blue
Torch, Greater Wyrm Friend 4 Blue 4 4 Blue
Wild Fire, Hot Tempered Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Applejack, Holiday Spirit Friend 3 Orange 3 None
Appleloosa Buckball Team, Hail Marey Friend 3 Orange 3 3 Orange
Big Mac & Applejack, Big Mouths Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
Double Diamond, Second in Command Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
Filly Guides, House to House Friend 4 Orange 5 2 Orange
Maud Pie, Counteroffer Friend 5 Orange 5 3 Orange
Snails, Not Thinking About It Friend 2 Orange 2 1 Orange
Gabby, Lending a Claw Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Party Favor, Sunset Festival Director Friend 2 Pink 2 2 Pink
Pinkie Pie, Holiday Spirit Friend 2 Pink 2 None
Ravers, Glowsticks Optional Friend 3 Pink 4 2 Pink
Princess Luna, Holiday Spirit Friend 3 Purple 4 4 Purple
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Cutie Mark Researcher Friend 3 Purple 3 None
Starlight Glimmer, Snowfall Frost Friend 1 Purple 1 3 Purple
Trixie, Smoke and Mirrors Friend 2 Purple 2 3 Purple
Zecora, Brewing a Plan Friend 3 Purple 3 2 Purple
Coloratura, Simply Rara Friend 4 White 4 1 White
Gladmane, Pro Con Friend 3 White 3 2 White
Rarity, Merry Friend 4 White 3 2 White
Zesty Gourmand, Backseat Diner Friend 2 White 4 2 White
Princess Celestia, Raptor Raiser Friend 2 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Thorax, Earning His Wings Friend 2 Yellow 2 None
Trapeze Star, Acrobatic Magic Friend 4 Yellow 4 None
Vapor Trail, Wind Beneath Your Wings Friend 1 Yellow 2 4 Yellow
Rainbow Dash & Applejack, Two Cool Friend 4 Multi 4 2 Blue and 2 Orange
Angel Wings, Friendly Fan Friend 2 Multi 2 1 Blue and 1 Pink
Spitfire, Drilling It In Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 Pink
Professor Flintheart, Potions Master Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 Purple
Zomponies, Terrifying Infestation Friend 5 Multi 5 3 Blue and 3 White
Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy, Words of Encouragement Friend 2 Multi 1 3 Blue and 3 Yellow
Applejack & Pinkie Pie, On the Ball Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Orange and 2 Pink
Granny Smith, Out of Bounds Friend 4 Multi 4 2 Orange and 2 Pink
Coriander Cumin, Limited Menu Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Orange and 2 Purple
Orchard Blossom, A Whole New You Friend 2 Multi 4 2 Orange and 2 White
Hooffields & McColts, Uneasy Truce Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Orange and 2 Yellow
Pinkie Pie & Twilight Sparkle, All Under Control Friend 2 Multi 4 2 Pink and 2 Purple
Saffron Masala, Another Satisfied Customer Friend 2 Multi 2 1 Pink and 1 White
Tender Taps, Sharing the Stage Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Pink and 2 White
Defenders of Equestria, Hive Heroes Friend 2 Multi 3 2 Pink and 2 Yellow
Petunia Paleo, Excavator Friend 1 Multi 1 1 Pink and 1 Yellow
Twilight Sparkle & Rarity, Exposed! Friend 2 Multi 2 1 Purple and 1 White
Spike, Garbunkle Friend 3 Multi 3 3 Purple and 3 White
Mayor Mare, Emergency Session Friend 2 Multi 2 3 Purple and 3 Yellow
Tree Hugger, Seeking Balance Friend 3 Multi 3 3 White and 3 Yellow
Changeling Citizens, Feel the Love Friend 0 Colorless 3 None
Ember, Up to the Challenge Friend 3 Blue 3 2 Blue
Tri-Horned Bunyip, Elusive Myth Friend 1 Yellow 1 4 Yellow
Applejack, Captain of the Seven Seas (Defenders of Equestria Royal Rare) Friend 5 Orange 5 3 Orange
Queen Chrysalis, Identity Theft (Absolute Discord Promo) Friend 3 None (Colorless) 3 None
Rainbow Dash, Snowdash (Defenders of Equestria Promo) Friend 1 Blue 1 None
Pinkie Pie, Holiday Spirit (Defenders of Equestria Promo) Friend 2 Pink 2 None
Captain Celaeno, Corsair Captain Friend 4 Blue 4 4 Blue
Boyle, Power Up Friend 2 Orange 2 3 Orange
Party Mare, Living it Up Friend 1 Pink 1 2 Pink
Spike, Festival Assistant Friend 1 Purple 1 2 Purple
Princess Cadance, Royal Envoy Friend 2 White 2 2 White
Brian, One Swell Guy Friend 1 Yellow 1 2 Yellow
Applejack & Fluttershy, Treading Water Friend 1 Multi 1 1 Orange and 1 Yellow
Fluttershy, Flutterholly (Defenders of Equestria Promo) Friend 1 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Octavia, Harmony and Dissonance Friend 3 Multi 3 3 Purple and 3 White
DJ Pon-3, Feel the Beat Friend 3 Pink 3 1 Pink
Pink Seashell Token Friend 2 Pink None None
Spike, Master of Ceremonies Friend 4 White 4 4 White
Storm King, Conniver Friend 4 Purple 4 4 Purple
Rescue Party, Cannon Cavalry Friend 2 Blue 3 2 Blue
Gummy, Lap Gator Friend 1 Yellow 1 2 Yellow
Princess Skystar, Air and Sea Friend 2 Pink 4 2 Pink
Capper Dapperpaws, On the Other Paw Friend 2 White 2 3 White
Princess Skystar, Making a Splash Friend 3 Pink 3 3 Pink
Applejack, Honest Pony Friend 2 Orange 2 None
Applejack, Honest Seapony Friend 4 Orange 4 2 Orange
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Magical Pony Friend 2 Purple 2 None
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Magical Seapony Friend 4 Purple 4 2 Purple
Fluttershy, Kind Pony Friend 2 Yellow 2 None
Fluttershy, Kind Seapony Friend 4 Yellow 4 2 Yellow
Rarity, Generous Seapony Friend 4 White 4 2 White
Rarity, Generous Pony Friend 2 White 2 None
Pinkie Pie, Joyous Seapony Friend 4 Pink 4 2 Pink
Pinkie Pie, Joyous Pony Friend 2 Pink 2 None
Rainbow Dash, Loyal Seapony Friend 4 Blue 4 2 Blue
Rainbow Dash, Loyal Pony Friend 2 Blue 2 None
Princess Twilight Sparkle, Pony Pirate Friend 2 Multi 4 2 Blue and 2 Purple
Princess Luna, Midnight Friend 5 Multi 5 2 Orange and 2 Purple and 2 White
Queen Novo, Benevolent Ruler Friend 2 Yellow 2 3 Yellow
Queen Novo, Under the Sea Friend 5 White 5 2 White
Klugetown Citizen, Street Smart Friend 4 Colorless 3 None
Rainbow Dash & First Mate Mullet, Swinging Wonders Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Trixie Lulamoon, Sleight of Hoof Friend 3 Purple 3 3 Purple
Pinkie Pie & Twilight Sparkle, Bait and Switch Friend 3 Pink 3 4 Pink
Applejack, Pony Pirate Friend 4 Multi 3 3 Blue and 3 Orange
Bulk Biceps, YEAH! Friend 2 Blue 2 4 Blue
Lyra, On a Whim Friend 2 Pink 2 3 Pink
Applejack, Festival Caterer Friend 4 Orange 4 3 Orange
Princess Celestia, High Noon Friend 5 Multi 5 2 Blue and 2 Pink and 2 Yellow
Tempest Shadow, Stormcaller (Seaquestria & Beyond Royal Rare) Friend 4 Purple 4 2 Purple
Tempest Shadow, Stormcaller Friend 4 Purple 4 2 Purple
Caramel Apple, Enter the Fray Friend 2 Blue 2 1 Blue
Pirate Crew, Air Privateers Friend 5 Blue 5 3 Blue
Rainbow Dash & Captain Celaeno, En Guarde! Friend 3 Blue 3 3 Blue
Squabble, Well Spoken Friend 2 Blue 2 3 Blue
Rescue Party, The Power of Friendship Friend 6 Orange 4 3 Orange
Spike, Puffer Up Friend 2 Purple 4 2 Purple
Princess Celestia, Day Shift Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Fluttershy, Pony Pirate Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Blue and 2 Yellow
Lix Spittle, Recipe for Disaster Friend 2 Multi 4 2 Orange and 2 Purple
Salina Blue, Sink or Swim Friend 2 Multi 2 3 Pink and 2 Purple
Shelly & Sheldon, Happy as a Clam Friend 3 Multi 2 2 Pink and 2 Yellow
The Mane Six, Party Planners Friend 5 Pink 5 4 Pink
Rainbow Dash, Pony Pirate Friend 2 Blue 2 2 Blue
Big Mac, Big Eater Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
Delivery Crew, Priority Mail Friend 2 Orange 2 2 Orange
Grubber, Baked Bads Friend 4 Orange 3 3 Orange
Lix Spittle, Wayfaring Chef Friend 3 Orange 3 1 Orange
Red Delicious, Powerhorse Friend 7 Orange 4 4 Orange
Seapony Guard, Defender of Seaquestria Friend 4 Orange 4 2 Orange
Berry Punch, Off-Balance Friend 4 Pink 4 2 Pink
Cheese Sandwich, Bringing the Party Friend 1 Pink 3 3 Pink
Princess Skystar, Friend to the End Friend 2 Pink 4 2 Pink
Sea Poppy, Guessing Game Friend 4 Pink 3 3 Pink
Captain Celaeno, By the Book Friend 2 Purple 2 1 Purple
Princess Luna, Dusk to Dawn Friend 3 Purple 3 3 Purple
Rarity, Pony Pirate Friend 2 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 White
Shoeshine, Animal Sanctuary Friend 1 Multi 1 3 Blue and 3 Yellow
Backup Dancers, Feel the Rhythm Friend 3 Multi 3 3 Orange and 3 Pink
Jamal, Seaweed Wrap Friend 4 Multi 4 3 Orange and 3 White
Seapony Duo, Flipper Floppers Friend 2 Multi 2 3 Orange and 3 Yellow
Bodyguard, Equine Escort Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Pink and 2 White
Twilight Sparkle & Tempest Shadow, Natural Leaders Friend 4 Multi 4 2 Purple and 2 Yellow
Critter Choir, Cheerful Chirpers Friend 2 Multi 4 2 White and 2 Yellow
Pinkie Pie, Pony Pirate Friend 3 Multi 3 3 Blue and 3 Pink
Starlight Glimmer, Magic Instructor Friend 3 Purple 3 3 Purple
Beauty Brass, Sousaphone Player Friend 4 White 4 1 White
Capper Dapperpaws, Smooth Talker Friend 2 White 2 4 White
Photo Finish, Snapshot Friend 1 White 2 3 White
Canterlot Citizens, Pony Populace Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Canterlot Shopkeep, Traveling Salesmare Friend 3 Yellow 3 3 Yellow
Jonagold, Delightful Friend 3 Yellow 3 2 Yellow
Peachy Sweet, Enduring Friendship Friend 4 Yellow 4 2 Yellow
Seaquestria Citizens, Fit and Finny Friend 2 Yellow 2 1 Yellow
First Mate Mullet, Arrr You Ready? Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Blue and 2 Orange
Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie, Wild Wonders Friend 2 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 Pink
Twilight Sparkle & Spike, Ultimate Organizers Friend 3 Multi 3 2 Blue and 2 Purple
Parish Nandermane, Trumpeter Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Blue and 2 White
Applejack & Twilight Sparkle, Soup Du Jour Friend 4 Multi 4 2 Orange and 2 Purple
Applejack & Rarity, Odd Couple Friend 2 Multi 3 1 Orange and 1 White
Tempest Shadow & Grubber, On the Trail Friend 4 Multi 4 3 Pink and 3 Purple
Pinkie Pie & Rarity, Deep Currents Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Pink and 2 White
Haven Bay, Dive Right In Friend 1 Multi 1 1 Orange and 1 Pink
Pinkie Pie & Princess Skystar, Surprise Guest Friend 3 Multi 3 3 Pink and 3 Yellow
Klugetown Vendor, Deal With It Friend 3 Multi 3 3 Purple and 3 White
Twilight Sparkle & Fluttershy, Petting Zoo Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Purple and 2 Yellow
Fluttershy & Sea Poppy, Fish Friends Friend 3 Multi 3 3 White and 3 Yellow
The Mane Six, Underwater Explorers Friend 2 Colorless 2 None
Thunderlane, Unsung Hero (Marks in Time Promo) Friend 5 Blue 4 4 Blue
Mistmane, Pillar of Beauty (Friends Forever Royal Rare) Friend 2 White 3 2 White
Spike, Fight and Flight (Friends Forever Promo) Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Orange + 2 Purple
Fluttershy, Acceptable Business Attire (Friends Forever Promo) Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Spike, Fight and Flight Friend 2 Multi 2 2 Orange + 2 Purple
Fluttershy, Acceptable Business Attire Friend 2 Yellow 2 2 Yellow
Yona, Friendship or Else Friend 2 Yellow 2 4 Yellow
Yona, Friendship or Else (Friends Forever Promo) Friend 2 Yellow 2 4 Yellow

All items (1058)
