My Little Pony Collectible Card Game Wiki
Canterlot Nights
BoosterBox CanterlotNights
Product Type Release (Expansion)
Release Date May 2014 (N. America)
May 2014 (Europe)
Gallery Canterlot Nights (Gallery)

"Turn your eye toward Canterlot and its royal intrigue, and high society. New friends, dazzling parties, and dangerous troublemakers can all be found in Equestria's capital and in Canterlot Nights, a new and exciting expansion to the My Little Pony Collectible Card Game."

Canterlot Nights is the name of the second set released for the My Little Pony Collectible Card Game.

Release Information[]

204 unique cards were released as part of the main set: 10 Mane Characters, 100 Friends, 30 Events, 29 Resources, 11 Troublemakers, and 24 Problems.

In terms of rarity, the main set contains 60 Common (C) cards, 62 Uncommon (U) cards, 60 Rare (R) cards, 6 Fixed (F) cards, and 16 Ultra Rare (UR) cards. There is a 1 in 11 chance for a Canterlot Nights booster pack to contain an Ultra Rare card in place of a Common card (an increase from Premiere's 1 in 13 chance).

Flutterbat is a "secret" Ultra Rare such that it is not listed in the set checklist, but it is still part of the set and still has the same chance to be obtained from booster packs as any other Ultra Rare in the set.

Princess Luna, The Party's Over and Rarity, Mover and Shaker are Uncommon cards, however they are not found in booster packs and can only be found as part of the Rock N Rave Two Player Theme Deck (making obtaining them similar to how one would obtain Fixed cards).

In addition to the main set, there is also a foil parallel set of 56 cards. Of these Foil (ƒ) cards, 44 of them are foiled versions of cards found in the main set but are otherwise the same as their main set equivalent. There is a 1 in 4 chance for a Canterlot Nights booster pack to contain a parallel Foil card in place of a Common card.

Princess Luna, Princess of the Night and Princess Celestia, Hoof Shaker are part of the foil parallel set but can only be found in theme decks. These two cards each have two different versions with alternate artwork, but are otherwise the same.

The other six Foil cards in the foil parallel set cannot be found in booster packs. Rainbow Dash, Hanging Out and Rarity, Dressmaker can only be found in theme decks. These two cards each have two different versions with one version having the Start side foiled and the other version having the Boosted side foiled, but are otherwise the same. The Foil versions of Applejack, Apple Vendor, Pinkie Pie, Pokey Pony, Twilight Sparkle, Gala Greeter and Fluttershy, Friend to Animals were released in the May 2017 Upgraded Organized Play Kit #1.

The promo set of 19 cards cannot be found in booster packs. Of these 19 Promo (P) cards, 12 of them are foiled versions of cards in the main set, and 6 are unique to the set. Twilight Sparkle, Ursa Vanquisher has been previously released as part of the Premiere main set.


Main Set[]

Canterlot Nights
# Name Power Cost Req. Points Card Type Rarity
00 Flutterbat 5 2 Troublemaker Ultra Rare (UR)
1 Rainbow Dash, Hanging Out 1/3 Mane Character Uncommon (U)
2 Applejack, Apple Vendor 1/3 Mane Character Uncommon (U)
3 Pinkie Pie, Pokey Pony 1/3 Mane Character Uncommon (U)
4 Princess Luna, The Party's Over 1/3 Mane Character Uncommon (U)
5 Twilight Sparkle, Gala Greeter 1/3 Mane Character Uncommon (U)
6 Rarity, Dressmaker 1/3 Mane Character Uncommon (U)
7 Fluttershy, Friend to Animals 1/3 Mane Character Uncommon (U)
8 Rarity, Mover and Shaker 1/3 Mane Character Uncommon (U)
9 Chief Thunderhooves, Buffaloing Buffalo 3 3 3 Friend Rare (R)
10 Cipher Splash, Born Ready 3 3 1 Friend Uncommon (U)
11 Dark Moon, Moonlit Colt 2 3 Friend Common (C)
12 Dr. Hooves, Just In Time 3 4 4 Friend Rare (R)
13 Eclair Crème, Vicarious Listener 2 2 3 Friend Fixed (F)
14 Hairpin Turn, Blocker 2 2 2 Friend Common (C)
15 Orange Swirl, Dizzy Daredevil 2 1 2 Friend Common (C)
16 Pipsqueak, Scrappy Squirt 1 1 2 Friend Rare (R)
17 Rainbow Blaze, Dashing Mentor 2 3 2 Friend Common (C)
18 Rainbow Dash, Goosebump Giver 1 2 2 Friend Common (C)
19 Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty 5 6 6 Friend Rare (R)
20 Rumble, Fast Learner 1 2 Friend Common (C)
21 Scootaloo, Fan Club Founder 2 2 3 Friend Uncommon (U)
22 Shooting Star, Tale Teller 3 3 1 Friend Common (C)
23 Sprinkle Medley, Drip Dropper 3 4 2 Friend Common (C)
24 Apple Bumpkin, Caramel Coater 3 2 2 Friend Common (C)
25 Applejack, Element of Honesty 5 6 6 Friend Rare (R)
26 Applejack, Applebucker 2 3 3 Friend Uncommon (U)
27 Bags Valet, Luggage Lackey 1 2 Friend Common (C)
28 Big Mac, Biggest Brother 4 4 3 Friend Rare (R)
29 Cherry Fizzy, Stalwart Soldier 4 5 3 Friend Common (C)
30 Cloudy Quartz, Concerned Mother 0 1 1 Friend Common (C)
31 Daisy, Mousy Mare 2 3 Friend Uncommon (U)
32 Doc Top, Pony Pediatrician 3 3 2 Friend Common (C)
33 Earth Pony Royal Guard, Arresting Officer 2 3 1 Friend Rare (R)
34 Fast Clip, Drill Instructor 2 2 3 Friend Rare (R)
35 Golden Harvest, Beyond Her Garden 2 2 1 Friend Common (C)
36 Hayseed Turnip Truck, "A" For Effort 2 3 3 Friend Uncommon (U)
37 Joe, Doughnuteer 1 2 Friend Rare (R)
38 Steam Roller, Juggernaut 3 3 1 Friend Common (C)
39 Aura, Really Rambunctious 2 2 2 Friend Common (C)
40 Cheese Sandwich, Wandering Partier 2 2 3 Friend Rare (R)
41 Purple Waters, Prismatic Poet/Musician 2 1 2 Friend Common (C)
42 Globe Trotter, Sight Seer 3 3 1 Friend Uncommon (U)
43 Lily, Panicked Pony 2 2 Friend Uncommon (U)
44 Lucky Star, Charming Cheerer 2 2 1 Friend Common (C)
45 Hondo Flanks, Big Daddy 2 4 2 Friend Common (C)
46 Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter 5 6 6 Friend Rare (R)
47 Pinny Lane, Bowl'em Over 2 3 1 Friend Rare (R)
48 Sassaflash, Striking! 1 2 Friend Rare (R)
49 Snails, Deep Thinker 2 3 2 Friend Common (C)
50 Snips, Schemer 2 3 2 Friend Rare (R)
51 Snips & Snails, Problem Solvers 3 4 3 Friend Rare (R)
52 Swan Song, Fun-loving Debutante 1 1 2 Friend Common (C)
53 Amethyst Maresbury, Crystal Librarian 3 3 1 Friend Uncommon (U)
54 Canterlot Archive Guard, Literate Lookout 1 2 4 Friend Rare (R)
55 Compass Star, Geography Nut 3 2 2 Friend Common (C)
56 Four Step, Dance Teacher 1 2 Friend Common (C)
57 Minuette, Clocked Up 2 2 3 Friend Rare (R)
58 Perfect Pace, Time Master 3 3 2 Friend Common (C)
59 Princess Luna, Night Mare 3 4 4 Friend Uncommon (U)
60 Sealed Scroll, Studious Scribe 1 1 2 Friend Common (C)
61 Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard 2 3 2 Friend Rare (R)
62 Spike, Assistant Librarian 1 2 2 Friend Rare (R)
63 Starry Eyes, Space Cadet 1 2 Friend Common (C)
64 Tall Order, Council Colt 3 3 1 Friend Fixed (F)
65 Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic 5 6 6 Friend Rare (R)
66 Twilight Velvet, Proud Mom 2 2 3 Friend Common (C)
67 Zecora, Magical Mentor 1 1 1 Friend Common (C)
68 Cookie Crumbles, Fancy Cooker 2 3 3 Friend Common (C)
69 Coco Pommel, Fashion Apprentice 3 4 1 Friend Common (C)
70 Fleur Dis Lee, Trendy Follower 2 3 3 Friend Common (C)
71 Foggy Fleece, Cloud Crafter 2 2 2 Friend Common (C)
72 Golden Gavel, Fast Talker 3 3 2 Friend Fixed (F)
73 Hoity Toity, Fashion Critic 3 3 3 Friend Rare (R)
74 Octavia, Star Cellist 1 2 Friend Uncommon (U)
75 Photo Finish, Picture Perfect Pony 3 3 2 Friend Uncommon (U)
76 Prim Posy, Fond of Fronds 2 1 2 Friend Common (C)
77 Rarity, Dragon Charmer 3 4 2 Friend Uncommon (U)
78 Rarity, Element of Generosity 5 6 6 Friend Rare (R)
79 Roseluck, Fainthearted Filly 3 4 Friend Uncommon (U)
80 Sapphire Shores, Costume Changer 2 2 Friend Common (C)
81 Silver Frames, Art Curator 2 2 3 Friend Common (C)
82 Twilight Sky, Stanchion Stallion 2 3 4 Friend Rare (R)
83 Angel, Serious Business 1 2 3 Friend Rare (R)
84 Blossomforth, Too Flexible 1 1 3 Friend Rare (R)
85 Doctor Horse, M.D. 2 2 2 Friend Fixed (F)
86 Eagle, Soaring Raptor 3 3 1 Friend Uncommon (U)
87 Fine Line, Au Pair 2 2 2 Friend Common (C)
88 Fluttershy, Critter Caregiver 2 2 3 Friend Uncommon (U)
89 Fluttershy, Element of Kindness 5 6 6 Friend Rare (R)
90 Goldie Delicious, Cat Hoarder 2 3 4 Friend Rare (R)
91 Lemon Hearts, Sweetheart 1 1 1 Friend Common (C)
92 Liza Doolots, Boundless Energy 1 2 Friend Common (C)
93 Manny Roar, Mild Manticore 3 4 2 Friend Common (C)
94 Mrs. Cake, Dessertier 3 3 3 Friend Common (C)
95 Nurse Redheart, Cantankerous Caretaker 3 3 4 Friend Rare (R)
96 Princess Celestia, Bringer of Light 3 4 2 Friend Uncommon (U)
97 Raccoon, Scrounger 1 2 Friend Common (C)
98 Whitewash, Amiable Aviator 2 1 2 Friend Common (C)
99 A Major Problem 4 1 3 Event Uncommon (U)
100 Anything I Can Do To Help? 2 4 3 Event Uncommon (U)
101 Biff! Pow! 5 0 3 Event Uncommon (U)
102 Critter Stampede 4 2 5 Event Rare (R)
103 Eep! 6 1 2 Event Rare (R)
104 Fashion Week 5 0 3 Event Uncommon (U)
105 Furry Free-for-All 4 1 3 Event Rare (R)
106 Hoofwrasslin' 3 0 3 Event Uncommon (U)
107 I Got a Golden Ticket! 3 2 4 Event Uncommon (U)
108 In Your Dreams 4 1 2 Event Rare (R)
109 Magic Duel 5 0 3 Event Uncommon (U)
110 Mane-Raising Experience 3 3 Event Rare (R)
111 Nice Moves, Kid 5 1 1 Event Rare (R)
112 Not On the List 2 2 2 Event Uncommon (U)
113 Nothing to Be Afraid Of 5 0 3 Event Uncommon (U)
114 Plum Tuckered Out 4 1 3 Event Rare (R)
115 Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot! 5 0 3 Event Uncommon (U)
116 ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE 5 1 4 Event Uncommon (U)
117 Staring Contest 5 0 3 Event Uncommon (U)
118 The Best of Friends 4 1 Event Fixed (F)
119 The Brave and the Bold 5 1 Event Rare (R)
120 The Hard Way 4 1 4 Event Rare (R)
121 The Magic of Adventure 4 1 Event Fixed (F)
122 The Sun and the Moon 5 1 Event Rare (R)
123 Thunderclap 3 2 3 Event Uncommon (U)
124 Too Much Fun 2 3 2 Event Rare (R)
125 Very Startling 3 0 3 Event Uncommon (U)
126 Wardrobe Malfunction 5 0 2 Event Uncommon (U)
127 What's Old is New Again 4 2 3 Event Rare (R)
128 You've Been Up All Night 4 3 3 Event Rare (R)
129 A Fiery Temper 4 1 1 Resource Common (C)
130 Apple Cider 4 2 3 Resource Uncommon (U)
131 Bed Rest 4 1 2 Resource Common (C)
132 Bell Tower 5 2 2 Resource Rare (R)
133 Canterlot Archives 5 2 2 Resource Uncommon (U)
134 Canterlot Hedge Maze 5 2 2 Resource Rare (R)
135 Chic Beret 6 3 Resource Common (C)
136 Chicken Costume 5 1 2 Resource Common (C)
137 Combat Hat 5 1 2 Resource Uncommon (U)
138 Funny Glasses 4 2 Resource Uncommon (U)
139 Go, Feed! 4 1 1 Resource Rare (R)
140 I Just Can't Decide! 5 1 2 Resource Rare (R)
141 Joe's Doughnut Shop 5 2 2 Resource Uncommon (U)
142 Learned Lessons 4 1 1 Resource Rare (R)
143 Monstrous Cave 5 1 3 Resource Uncommon (U)
144 Monstrous Manual 5 2 1 Resource Common (C)
145 Pie Family Rock Farm 5 2 3 Resource Rare (R)
146 Private Party 4 1 3 Resource Uncommon (U)
147 Reformed 5 1 2 Resource Uncommon (U)
148 Snooty Boutique 4 3 2 Resource Rare (R)
149 Soothe the Savage Beast 5 2 2 Resource Rare (R)
150 The High Ground 5 1 2 Resource Uncommon (U)
151 The Twilicane 6 2 3 Resource Rare (R)
152 Train Tracks 4 3 3 Resource Rare (R)
153 Varmint Barricade 4 1 1 Resource Rare (R)
154 Vittles Stand 4 2 2 Resource Common (C)
155 Welcome Wagon 5 2 3 Resource Rare (R)
156 "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza" 5 2 Troublemaker Rare (R)
157 Changeling Infiltrator 3 1 Troublemaker Rare (R)
158 Changeling Swarm 6 2 Troublemaker Uncommon (U)
159 Jet Set & Upper Crust 0 1 Troublemaker Common (C)
160 Lightning Dust 4 1 Troublemaker Common (C)
161 Pony of Shadows 5 3 Troublemaker Uncommon (U)
162 Prince Blueblood 4 2 Troublemaker Uncommon (U)
163 Red Dragon 6 2 Troublemaker Uncommon (U)
164 Sunset Shimmer 5 2 Troublemaker Rare (R)
165 800 Years of Sweltering Heat 2 Problem Rare (R)
166 A Stitch in Time 3 Problem Common (C)
167 Ancient Research 1 Problem Uncommon (U)
168 Applebucking Day 1 Problem Common (C)
169 Attitude and Pizzazz! 2 Problem Common (C)
170 Bottom of the Well 1 Problem Uncommon (U)
171 Cheering Up a Friend 2 Problem Common (C)
172 Cockatrice on the Loose 2 Problem Rare (R)
173 Comforting Critters 1 Problem Uncommon (U)
174 Crash Course 2 Problem Common (C)
175 Dark Dank Dungeon 3 Problem Uncommon (U)
176 Goof Off 1 Problem Common (C)
177 Frown Town 2 Problem Uncommon (U)
178 Fruit Bat Roundup 1 Problem Rare (R)
179 Greeting Lots of Folks With Clout 1 Problem Common (C)
180 Hungry Hungry House Guest 1 Problem Common (C)
181 Impress the Inspector 2 Problem Uncommon (U)
182 Lost in the Crystal Caves 2 Problem Uncommon (U)
183 Out of Control 1 Problem Common (C)
184 Royal Dress Rehearsal 1 Problem Uncommon (U)
185 Social Obligations 1 Problem Uncommon (U)
186 Storming the Villain's Lair 1 Problem Common (C)
187 Threat Against Canterlot 2 Problem Uncommon (U)
188 Too Many Pinkie Pies 2 Problem Rare (R)
189 Princess Luna, Dream Catcher 1/2 Mane Character Ultra Rare (UR)
190 Princess Celestia, Equestrian Leader 1/3 Mane Character Ultra Rare (UR)
191 A. K. Yearling, Adventure Writer 3 3 3 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
192 Bulk Biceps, All Muscle 4 3 4 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
193 Granny Smith, Jar Judger 2 2 2 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
194 DJ Pon-3, Everypony's Shufflin' 3 4 4 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
195 Pinkie Pie, Clonie Pie 2 3 3 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
196 Princess Luna, Mare in the Moon 2 3 3 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
197 Twilight Sparkle, Noted Speaker 0 3 3 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
198 Fancy Pants, Trendsetter 3 3 2 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
199 Sweetie Belle, Doting Sister 1 2 1 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
200 Princess Celestia, Protector of Equestria 3 3 2 Friend Ultra Rare (UR)
201 The Element of Kindness, Sharing Kindness 7 2 3 Resource Ultra Rare (UR)
202 The Element of Magic, Complete Magic 7 2 3 Resource Ultra Rare (UR)
203 Queen Chrysalis 6 3 Troublemaker Ultra Rare (UR)

Foil Parallel Set[]

Canterlot Nights (Foil Parallel Set)
# Name Power Cost Req. Points Card Type Rarity
1a/1b Rainbow Dash, Hanging Out 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
2a Princess Luna, Princess of the Night 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
2b Princess Luna, Princess of the Night 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
3a/3b Rarity, Dressmaker 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
4a Princess Celestia, Hoof Shaker 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
4b Princess Celestia, Hoof Shaker 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
5 Applejack, Apple Vendor 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
6 Pinkie Pie, Pokey Pony 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
7 Twilight Sparkle, Gala Greeter 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
8 Fluttershy, Friend to Animals 1/3 Mane Character Foil (ƒ)
9 Chief Thunderhooves, Buffaloing Buffalo 3 3 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
10 Dr. Hooves, Just In Time 3 4 4 Friend Foil (ƒ)
11 Rainbow Dash, Goosebump Giver 1 2 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
12 Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty 5 6 6 Friend Foil (ƒ)
13 Scootaloo, Fan Club Founder 2 2 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
14 Applejack, Element of Honesty 5 6 6 Friend Foil (ƒ)
15 Daisy, Mousy Mare 2 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
16 Applejack, Applebucker 2 3 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
17 Golden Harvest, Beyond Her Garden 2 2 1 Friend Foil (ƒ)
18 Joe, Doughnuteer 1 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
19 Cheese Sandwich, Wandering Partier 2 2 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
20 Lily, Panicked Pony 2 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
21 Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter 5 6 6 Friend Foil (ƒ)
22 Snips & Snails, Problem Solvers 3 4 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
23 Canterlot Archive Guard, Literate Lookout 1 2 4 Friend Foil (ƒ)
24 Minuette, Clocked Up 2 2 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
25 Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard 2 3 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
26 Spike, Assistant Librarian 1 2 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
27 Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic 5 6 6 Friend Foil (ƒ)
28 Octavia, Star Cellist 1 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
29 Rarity, Dragon Charmer 3 4 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
30 Rarity, Element of Generosity 5 6 6 Friend Foil (ƒ)
31 Roseluck, Fainthearted Filly 3 4 Friend Foil (ƒ)
32 Angel, Serious Business 1 2 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
33 Fluttershy, Critter Caregiver 2 2 3 Friend Foil (ƒ)
34 Fluttershy, Element of Kindness 5 6 6 Friend Foil (ƒ)
35 Manny Roar, Mild Manticore 3 4 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
36 Princess Celestia, Bringer of Light 3 4 2 Friend Foil (ƒ)
37 Mane-Raising Experience 3 3 Event Foil (ƒ)
38 Plum Tuckered Out 4 1 3 Event Foil (ƒ)
39 Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot! 5 0 3 Event Foil (ƒ)
40 ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE 5 1 4 Event Foil (ƒ)
41 The Brave and the Bold 5 1 Event Foil (ƒ)
42 The Sun and the Moon 5 1 Event Foil (ƒ)
43 Apple Cider 4 2 3 Resource Foil (ƒ)
44 Chicken Costume 5 1 2 Resource Foil (ƒ)
45 Combat Hat 5 1 2 Resource Foil (ƒ)
46 Go, Feed! 4 1 1 Resource Foil (ƒ)
47 I Just Can't Decide! 5 1 2 Resource Foil (ƒ)
48 The Twilicane 6 2 3 Resource Foil (ƒ)
49 "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza" 5 2 Troublemaker Foil (ƒ)
50 Changeling Swarm 6 2 Troublemaker Foil (ƒ)
51 Red Dragon 6 2 Troublemaker Foil (ƒ)
52 Sunset Shimmer 5 2 Troublemaker Foil (ƒ)

Promo Set[]

Canterlot Nights (Promo Set)
# Name Power Cost Req. Points Card Type Rarity
1 Princess Luna, Night Mare 3 4 4 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
2 Coco Pommel, Fashion Apprentice 3 4 1 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
3 Applejack, Reunion Organizer 2 3 1 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
4 In Your Dreams 4 1 2 Event Promo Foil (Pƒ)
5 Rarity, Big Sister 2 3 1 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
6 Furry Free-for-All 4 1 3 Event Promo Foil (Pƒ)
7 Pinkie Pie, Apple Family Member 2 3 1 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
8 Varmint Barricade 4 1 1 Resource Promo Foil (Pƒ)
9 Twilight Sparkle, Break Dancer 2 3 1 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
10 Too Much Fun 2 3 2 Event Promo Foil (Pƒ)
11 Fluttershy, Rainbow Chaser 2 3 1 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
12 I Got a Golden Ticket! 3 2 4 Event Promo Foil (Pƒ)
13 Rainbow Dash, Dressing in Style 2 3 1 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
14 Twilight Sparkle, Ursa Vanquisher 4 3 3 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
15 Fluttershy, Friend to Animals 1/3 Mane Character Promo Foil (Pƒ)
16 Bulk Biceps, All Muscle 4 3 4 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
17 Queen Chrysalis 6 3 Troublemaker Promo Foil (Pƒ)
18 Snips & Snails, Problem Solvers 3 4 3 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)
19 Princess Luna, Mare in the Moon 2 3 3 Friend Promo Foil (Pƒ)

Theme Decks[]


Main Releases
Premiere Block
Premiere Canterlot
The Crystal
Odyssey Block
Defenders Block
& Beyond
Leaders Block
Leaders &
Mini Expansions (not part of any block)
Rock N Rave Celestial Solstice Generic Fixed